Thursday, June 20, 2024

Captain's Log

    This is useless, frustrating, tiring and boring. My computer seems to be broken and won't let me access my files, so cards isn't happening. I feel so helpless!!!! 

    I just love how as soon as I take up card-blogging, the computer won't let it happen. Isn't it just so funny?! Well, it may be time to get a new one soon anyway. The poor thing seems to be on its last legs. Maybe I'm wrong. Hopefully I'm wrong. But I doubt it. 

    While I would love to go into a big fat rant, Don Cardwell is not the place to do so. I usually do that on Talkin' Baseball, so it'll be a bit out of character. I'm sorry. Computer issues have been happening so often so early in my blogging career that it probably seems like I'm faking it. It's frustrating.

    Well, I guess I'll wrap it up. Just wanted to get something out there since I've been itching to post for so long (thinking back to six days ago, it hasn't been that long since my last post). Hope the computer gets working again soon, but if not......................I don't know. We'll figure something out.

    I've been really busy these last few days, so I suppose it's not the worst time for the computer to quit on me. I was only planning on posting once a week now until I finish my responsibilities. 

    Also, a big thanks to Kerry and Matt for all the cards! They are much appreciated.

    Thanks for reading, have a great rest of your week, and Happy Collecting! 

Let's Go Rangers!!!

    What can I say? This post was titled Captain's Log so of course the Rangers Captain had to make an appearance.


  1. Uuuugghh! I HATE computer problems as a blogger. Best of luck.

  2. Sounds like your computer is conspiring against you.

  3. I work in IT, so I get to deal with people and their computer frustrations on a daily basis. Sorry your computer is having issues, hopefully it'll get all sorted out.

  4. Seager For The WinJune 21, 2024 at 9:03 AM

    That’s rough, I’ve been there with old computers, it’s painful. Hopefully that pc gets it act together though.

  5. That's rough...for me it was loss of power for a week and living life of a family man.

  6. Hope you're able to work out the computer stuff. My desktop is almost ten years old... and I recently ran into my first major issue. After a recent update, my photo editing software can no longer be used until I update the software. But my computer is too old for the update. Anyways... I just started using a different program and it works fine, but I'm having to relearn how to scan and edit photos.
