Monday, September 23, 2024

Ballistic Equipment

    I have a few simple sentences for you.

    Throwing your glove, hat, or any other equipment at a batted ball is illegal.
    It is an automatic triple.
    I don't think this should be the case.

    Again, a few more sentences.

    A catcher picking up a baseball with his mask is illegal.
    It is a balk.
    I don't think this should be the case.

    But why do I think this shouldn't be the case? I'm probably a bit of a goof for saying this, but a player's glove is there to field the ball. If throwing your glove helps you field/stop the batted ball, I think it should be legal. The same goes, in my opinion, for catchers. A catcher could absent-mindedly pick up a live baseball with his mask. It happens. I think this should be legal, since he's using his equipment to field the ball. So long as the fielder isn't throwing anything at or in the way of a baserunner or batter, I don't really see what the problem is.

    What do y'all think? Please let me know in the comments. Whenever I publish my opinions on a rule of the sport, I tend to get shot down, but it's just a thought. Of course, there are more pressing (and actually important and meaningful) aspects of the game that need to changed, so I won't worry too much about this subject.


  1. Hmmm...does the fielder only have to throw the equipment at the ball, or does it have to make contact? If an outfielder determined a ball was going to sail over the fence for a home run, wouldn't it make sense in some cases to throw your glove at it and force the hitter to "only" get a triple? The only thing I don't like about these rules is that balks and hits penalize the pitcher statistically more than the fielder who made the violation. Why should the pitcher get a balk for the catcher picking up the ball?

  2. I agree with you. I want to see a catcher use their mask to scoop the ball to a pitcher covering home plate for a tag play or just see them outright catch a pop-up in their mask.
