Monday, January 22, 2024


 Well, here it is.
In my last post on Talkin' Baseball (, I said I should start a card blog. I was fooling around, but I actually have been debating making one for a while. I'm gonna warn you; I'm sure it won't be as good as most of the other card blogs, and I won't post a ton. I just thought it would be interesting to make a baseball card blog and show off my few prized cards. Happy blogging!

P.S. If you don't understand the name of my blog, Don Cardwell was a pitcher who played from 1957-1970 and was decent. I chose his name because it has 'Card' in it. Pretty wise, right?


  1. Welcome to the card blog community!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting; much appreciated!

  3. No problem. Now that I'm part of the community I'm checking in with my 'neighbors.'

  4. I finally got around to reading your blog. Welcome to the blog world!
    I've also added you to my blog roll.
