Friday, May 17, 2024

It's Friday and You Know What That Means...

     I don't even know what that means. It just feels like a day for card-blogging, doesn't it? Well, why don't we take a look at some cards, 'cause that's kind of the line of work I'm currently in...

    I think I'll go through all my binders from 2021-2024, showing off my best/favorite cards from said binders every Friday until I either don't feel like doing it anymore or finish them, whichever comes first. I may also sprinkle some trade bait in these posts here and there. Well, let's get started. Nonsense is boring, cards are exciting.

    2021 was the 70th anniversary of Topps, so all of the cards say something about it; all of them. Unfortunately, I 'm not even close to owning the 2021 Topps complete set, but I'm not really a set collector. I just like to grab cards from the current season until it's done with. Then we move on to the next year. Here are the five of my 2021 Topps cards being featured this fine (and wet) morning:

    Most of these cards have been given to me as gifts for various occasions; whether a birthday or Christmas. This card jumped out at me as soon as it was revealed from a pack because Stephen Strasburg was one of my favorite and best-known players at the time, and the card is nice and suave. As I've noticed was the trend with the 70th anniversary of Topps, this card is reminiscent of a past year, 2005.

    I suppose this card is supposed to be reminiscent of the '52 Topps set, but because the oldest Topps card I own is from 1968 (I'm ashamed of this fact), I wouldn't have known that without the help of the internet. Casey Mize was the first overall pick in the 2018 draft with the Tigers and has been....decent throughout his career, which has been injury plagued. He's been healthy so far all of this season and has a 3.50 ERA. At only 27, hopefully he'll be good for a while.

    I didn't notice this until looking at the card for the post, but my gold German Marquez is numbered  287/2021. I guess it's no big deal, not like that 2019 Topps Holiday Green Luis Robert numbered to 99 that I traded for 2016 Topps Ben Zobrist (the regret hurts me to this day).

    This card is supposed to be reminiscent of 1965 Topps, which I actually did know. Jesus Luzardo has been an interesting pitcher across his career. Is fickle a good word to use? Today he'll be starting at home against the Mets, so good luck to him. Anyway, along with Luzardo I also have the Casey Mize from this set, but he's already been shown.

    When I first saw this card in my pack, I thought 'Tarik Skubal? Well that's a funny name.' I didn't realize that I had the rookie card of someone who was to become one of my favorite players. And, like quite a few 2021 Topps sets, this card is trying to look like 1981 Topps. Not really my favorite design, but whatever. It's one of my favorite cards anyway. I think I still probably pronounce Skubal's name wrong to this day.

    It's now that I realize that my binders are organized by position, so all five of these cards are of pitchers. Don't worry though, next Friday will see some position players; I think. Anyway, thank you for reading, have a nice Friday, and Happy Collecting! I'm gonna go finish my duties for the week. I'm out.


  1. Skubal is an interesting player. He's one I'm keeping my eye on.

  2. Tarik Skubal has a lovely name.

    A few other favorites of mine:
    Lars Taylor-Tatsuji Nootbaar, Razor Ledbetter, Kermit Kowalk, K Chorlton (yes, his first name was K), Phede Lambke, Dovydas Neverauskas, and finally, Ozzie Van Brabant.
